Saying Goodbye

Laiza and the young woman went to the roof, and Laiza said to the young woman, “I will love you forever. Please, never forget what I taught you: live your life and love your life! I will be with you forever… When you laugh, when you feel happy, or when you need a hug, I will be in your heart. And look, I will show you that magic is real.”

At this moment, Laiza’s ears began to flutter, and she started to fly. “I know you never forget me, because, look at me, look at me, I am perfect!”.

Laiza stuck out her tongue and moved her tail like when she was happy. She started to move her legs and run in the direction of the sky.

The young woman stayed on the roof for hours, watching the sky. Her parents came up to the roof to sit with her. They were silent for a while and hugged the young woman.

“She loves us,” said the mother, “and we love her. Don’t worry! She is a galactic dog. One day you will meet with her again.”

Two days later, the young woman took her first flight, and she carried a book with the pictures of Laiza, just in case, someone else had seen her pass by.

She sometimes heard someone talk about a galactic dog, a dog who teaches what love is. So, the young woman stays hopeful that in this world or another, she will meet again with Laiza, the Galactic dog.

Meet Hellen!

Hi! I’m Hellen. I’m from Argentina, and I’m in Portugal at the moment. I’m an archaeologist, but I work in IT Support. I’m an English student and I love discovering all the things I can do! I like to dance, sing, do gymnastics, meet with friends, and drink red wine.

I had the most beautiful dog in the world, niña papita, and I love to talk about her.

Full Interview! →

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Una respuesta a “Laiza Love”

  1. Very beautiful story!!
    We want some more please!!

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